Hereby the newsletter of January 2022 Diot Est La France (click to open PDF):
French News update April 2021
Hereby the newsletter of April 2021 Diot Est La France (click to open PDF):
French News update February 2021
Hereby the newsletter of February 2021 Diot Est La France (click to open PDF):
Claeren and Taylor Mates have decided for the future to use only one trade
Claeren and Taylor Mates have decided for the future to use only one trade
One trade, one company name, “Claeren”.
Besides that nothing changed. Still two locations in the south of The Netherlands an working with a team of 70 committed colleagues.
Claeren, We’ve got you covered
Taylor Mates chooses for Claeren Advies Groep
The financial service provider Claeren Advies Groep located in Brabant has acquired Taylor Mates, located in the city of Oss. Through the acquisition an organization of 79 employees arises with branches in ’s-Hertogenbosch and Oss with a revenue of broadly 8.5 million euros.
French news update
Hereby the newsletter of January 2019 Diot Est La France (click to open PDF):
Dutch news update
- Taylor Mates has at this time more then 1400 business clients in The Netherlands;
- Dutch companies are finding more and more the way to Taylor Mates as an experienced independent broker if those companies have properties or risks abroad;
- Taylor Mates is serving almost every Eubronet partner for their business clients of those who have property or businessrisks in The Netherlands;
- Not only to serve independent is Taylor Mates distictive by the personal touch, also called ‘Tailor Made’;
- Taylor Mates is proud that they have this month received a price given by the employees of one of the bigger insurance providers in The Netherlands for as they called it ‘the entire oeuvre’. According to their experience Taylor Mates is at the moment the finest, efficient and qualitative broker. Proud we are!
Estonian news update
A new Insurance Activities Act will be in force from 23.2018 in Estonia. This new act is done according to IDD directive and fully meets with requirements in IDD.
Estonian financial services market overview made by FSA –
Country News The Netherlands januari 2018
We are becoming older and older. This has consequences for the pensions. That is why the pensiondate is increasing from 67 to 68 years. The increase of the pensiondate has consequences fort the employer and employee.
German News Update

Estonian news update
There is quiet pressure on the insurance market to increase prices
Estonian insurance sector leaders joining IIZI Kindlustusmaakler
Take over insurance company Delta Lloyd
Insurancecompany Nationale Nederlanden will take over insurance company Delta Lloyd.
The transaction will be completed before juli 2017.
Country News France february 2017
uConstruction insurance in France
The French system was designed to provide the principal with effective protection against major damage that can occur or come to light in the decade that follows completion of the building.
The decennial liability also known as ten-year guarantee was imposed in 1978 with the Spinetta Law.
MAI CEE celebrated its 25th Anniversary
MAI CEE, leading independent insurance broker of Central and Eastern Europe, has celebrated its 25th Anniversary in Prague, Czech Republic in July 2016. All MAI CEE country managers, senior employees and partners from the entire Central and Eastern Europe together with MAI CEE shareholders all traveled to Prague to celebrate this milestone Anniversary.
Säkra Sweden, non life operation.
Säkra will in the next two years focus even more in the segment of small and medium sized business.
Even though Säkra is presented all over Sweden there are geographically “blindspots” where certain efforts will be made to fill those gaps.
This includes an effort to grow in affinity.
Key News about Estonia
March 2016, some key news about Estonia:
· From 01.01.2016 we have new Insurance Activities Act –
· From 01.03.2016 Compensa Vienna Insurance Group started non-life sales in Estonia. Also IIZI started cooperation with Compensa.
· From 01.01.2016 IIZI started activly selling Life insurance and Pension products to clients. Also separated department was established for that.
No index Pension funds
Pension funds will again not indexing benefits to inflation because of low interest rates.
Expecting that the largest pension fund in The Netherlands will not do indexing the next 5 years.
Discussion on reform of pension system is in full swing
Allianz expands with Aegon portofolio
Aegon has sold its portofolio general business insurances business to Allianz Benelux. Aegon continues with private insurance and income protection insurance in the Netherlands. The transition means that there is a premium volume of over € 90 million to Allianz Benelux
Mullenders & Co
On January 1th, we welcomed Mullenders & co, a longtime friend and main competitor in insurance business.
This main acquisition allows the B-Safe Group to increase its global revenue by 50%.
Mullenders & co is a well-established insurance broker, founded 50 years ago, with a high level of experience particularly in the marine business.
This merger allows B-Safe to extend its range of services to clients and increases its professional image in the insurance market.
Changes in finance system long term disabled employees
The system to finance the long term disabled employees will be
changed starting on 01-01-2017.
This can have a huge impact, especially for the medium sized & bigger companies. These companies have to make a reorientation about the way to finance this.
In the end there a 2 possible options. First there is the option to finance this risk in the public sector. The premiums are based on economic sectorpremiums and the experience rate of the individual company.
The other option is to choose for a policy at a insurance company.
These choices are not new, but the calculation rules are changed in order to create a more level playing field.